Thursday, May 20, 2010


Five months is definitely a good point for a mid-year slump. The approaching Fifa World Cup evokes in me not excitement but dread. There is an iron fist in my stomach and I wonder if a country with the fastest growing HIV/AIDS rate in the world can handle such a huge influx of people and attention.

All 4 of us have been facing these less than pleasant emotions for the past few weeks. In an attempt to raise morale, Shin did an awesome spirituality night that involved talking about not what frustrates us about South Africa, but what we can’t imagine living without. I’m going to share them with you. My life will never ever be the same because of these things:

- Hour long prayers at St. Leo because teachers aren’t there. Specifically Lindani’s bashful face when he realizes you are watching him.

- Phumelele sneaking a bran muffin into my purse.

- Waking up and looking at Embo every morning.

- Solidarity. And somehow figuring it out.

- Female role models: Karen, Dawn, Themba, the 1000 HCH ladies, Gogos.

- Gogos in general. Particularly Gogo Ndlovu, Gogo Gloria, Gogo Flossie., etc….

- Slow jams

- South African Wine and Salti-Crax

- Being an Auntie at St. Theresa’s Boys Home. Cottage One. Loving the hell out of teenage boys who are embarrassed by me. The Ngcobo brothers (the picture is of me and the 3 of them: Siyabonga, Sfiso, and Manqoba)

- “throwing it to Embo” – when my brother was here he caught a very large mouse in our house and threw it into the valley of Embo.

- The man who sells us beer every weekend at the Shongweni Market

- The Shongweni Market

- SA terminology: robots, boot, keen, etc…

- Avos the size of your face

- The world’s most beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

- The letters Q, C and X and being able to properly pronounce them

- R7.58 to the US Dollar

- Karaoke

- The Indian Ocean

- When people think I know what the hell I am doing at work.

- Learning what the hell I am doing. Ngiyafunda.

There is so much more and I will always add to this. It is such a healthy way to remind myself (ourselves) that moments are fleeting. The is no room for anything but gratefulness and thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I've been catching up on the blog -- beautiful reflections. One thing I would offer up is this: cherish the opportunity (which it appears you are) to experience life on a level that is charged with emotions and heartbreaking observations ... even if those feelings and experiences contradict one another. The sadness and the struggle is so hard to sit with; pleasure without reflection is so enticing. I contrast what you are writing to my work at a well-meaning non-profit. I can see that even with the best of intentions, the administrative context of my work strips away life's rawness that spurs growth and connection.

    So when all else fails, remember that I think you are so lucky to have this opportunity ... and that I hope to emulate your example in my own way.

    sending much love,

    ps. I had boba last week and thought of you!
    pps. FYI- it took four weeks for your letter to arrive at my house. Thank you so much for writing me back- your letter is on my fridge now!
