Friday, January 8, 2010

Some Thoughts on Leaving

I haven't really processed. Not at all. I mean, really, how do you process moving to the third world (well - sort of - SA is pretty up and coming).

I've told a few of you how strongly I feel that I'm going exactly in the direction I should be. I've felt pretty certain about some things in my life. But nothing compares to the feeling I get when I think about the path I am about to embark upon. I told Aimee (and I feel really cheesy saying this, but let's face it - if you know me, you know I come with corny Hallmark-y sentiments) I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for this adventure and let me tell you:

I am SO excited!

I think for the next few weeks that will be the gist of what I have to say to you. I am just brimming over with excitement and joy and exuberance. I clap my hands like a silly little kid when I am excited about something, and I don't think my hands have left clapping position since I found out in March that I was going.

I have been feeling so fortunate and blessed these past two weeks. Any hinderance on these feelings has been so quickly outweighed by how absolutely awesome my life is. I am so glad I get to share my joy with other people.

Don't get me wrong, I am definitely experiencing things other than elation right now. Yesterday, I woke up from a nap feeling sad to be missing another whole year with my mom. But following my heart is a trait she taught me, so I'm fortunate to have the full support of my fam. You should meet them, they are pretty great.

To wrap this up. I am feeling excited and complete for the most part. There are traces of nervousness and sadness laced in there in certain places, because, I am human, after all. But, my joy outweighs those parts. And I have three other awesome women to help me through when the scarier emotions pop up.

And now, dear bloggers, I will leave you. And the next time we speak, it will be from the sunny shores of the East Coast of Africa! I can't wait to share my stories with you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you--can't wait to hear about your adventures!
