Saturday, January 16, 2010


My friends, I have finally arrived! I desperately want to fill you in on everything that I have been experiencing this week, but I do not have a moment to do so. I wanted to at least blog an update to let you know that we have arrived safely. We finally remedied a bad computer situation and I am now, at least, a little more connected.

I will post more in a few days, but I will leave you with a few happy things I have experienced since being here:

1. The most incredible and joy filled moment of my life thus far: walking up to St. Leo's (the government funded school I will be teaching English at part-time) and hearing grades 1-7 singing in Zulu. In harmony. And then praying the most holy, spirit filled prayer.

2. 5L boxes of Wine labeled "No Name Brand"

3. Bags of Milk

4. The view from my back yard.

Some hardships:
The stark divide between the rich and the poor in KwaZulu Natal is painful. I will blog about it more later. It is so difficult to take in. Also, visiting the Respite Unit was tough. I have a lot more to tell all of you about, but internet use is limited.

I think about all of you often and I miss you already! You are in my heart!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so so so happy to hear you made it to SA alright. Good luck Beccaboo on getting situated and into the work that you're going to be doing. You are one of the most amazing people I know and a real inspiration. ::sending you lots of good thoughts and love::
